Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Also, I'm considering moving this entire blog over to Wordpress. I don't know. It just feels more professional?

Plus Wordpress is the server we use for Caliber, so. It just makes more sense. I'll figure it out.

Procrastination to the extreme

Instead of studying, I'm blogging. Yay me!

I have two midterms in less than twenty-four hours, so first of all, goddamnit. I'm really brain-dead, but at the same time I'm kinda going at a mile a minute right now. I think it's the adrenaline rush from the Odwalla I had earlier.

Anyway... I think I've found an acceptable substitute for Caliber Play's website format, but I don't know yet. I'm going to try and map out my thoughts here.

Basically, instead of the website it is now, I want to turn CP into a blog. We can feature each artist, keep people updated on them, etc., but I just think it'd be a better way to get more people on the team and get everyone to interact more with the bands. The blog would be based on how the Caliber Blog looks now. It's really quite fabulous, everyone should check it out. But the only problem is that I don't know how to get full autonomous control over the blog. Griffin is head of blogging right now, but I don't want her to have to approve all CP posts or have it be another thing for her to worry about.

And to be honest, I'm slightly nervous of bringing it up at a board meeting. I'm still one of the youngest/newest board members, and I occasionally feel that insecurity. It kinda sucks. But I've been a lot better about it recently. I just think it would work a lot better than our current website.

And we had a sort-of foursquare party at the meeting, haha. It was great. Anyway. I had a pretty good night, even though I have two midterms tomorrow. But you know what? Spring break is just around the corner, Sarah and I are seeing Panic! At The Disco and fun. in June, and life will be fabulous.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011


I'm going to try to post about happier things here from now on, because it seems like all I do is whine and bitch. So, here, you can have some photos and news from when I went to Disneyland last Saturday!

Being the fabulous friends they are, Becca and Maria met up with me at the park, and we spent a glorious day together, reuniting and catching up. I haven't seen either of them since October, and 5 months later, it was still just as fun to be with them as it had been that October weekend when I went home. Yes, it was a 7-hour drive for me to get down there, but I was on a bus, and it was worth it. So totally worth it.

This is us in front of Sleeping Beauty's castle! We also have pictures with Pluto and Mickey and Buzz Lightyear, haha.

We also saw the fireworks from the Matterhorn as we were going down the mountain! It was fucking amazing, whizzing by just fast enough to watch the fireworks explode before going right back inside to battle with the Yeti.

And to end this on a darker note, I'm suffering from some sort of stomach flu or bug, I'm not sure. My stomach just keeps cramping up, and TMI, but I know these aren't period cramps, I don't know what's up. I haven't left my dorm today except to get lunch.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

I guess I am NOT seeing Stamps over spring break, because Rock for Justice is "rearranging the dates." Meg & Dia is canceling all their March dates and won't be able to do the RfJ tour.

To say I am pissed off is putting it mildly. Especially because I don't give a flying fuck about Meg & Dia. I just want to see Stamps. And that's my only chance to until this summer, at the very least.

Sigh. I don't have luck with Stamps or Empires, it seems.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Yeah. Um.

When I created this, my whole goal was to regularly post and all that sort of stuff.

Turns out that I'm sort of terrible at it, aren't I?

Well. Updates on my life... it's midterm season! Except that I'm done until March 17th, so I can take the next two weeks or so to just relax and chill out. (:

Did I mention that I'm going to Disneyland next weekend? There's a dorm-sponsored trip for Saturday, and it's only $45. So I will be in my homeland (sort of) for a little under 24 hours! We leave Berkeley around 3 or 4 am and we leave Disney at around 10pm, I think. I'm going to be so dead when I get back, but it should be worth it because I will be seeing my darling Maria! She goes to UC Irvine (which is about half an hour from Disneyland) and she has an annual pass, so it's the perfect opportunity for us. My film should also be getting here in time for the trip, so I should be able to take my Holga with me! I think Disneyland is a great place to test it out, right?

I'm also for sure going to China, which I am not... pleased about, but my uncle is getting married while we're there, and now it's turned into a family obligation sort of thing. I do love my uncle a lot, though. And traveling. I know it didn't seem like it in previous posts, but I really am a big fan of traveling and going to new places. I just didn't want it to be so soon after I got home, and having to wait three weeks before I can spend time with my friends again.

However, my bribe for going is a visit to Ocean Park (Hong Kong's Seaworld + Universal Studios) as well as maybe HK Disneyland. So, yeaaaah. I feel like I'm going to love Hong Kong and Shanghai. All the countryside that my dad is intent on visiting, not so much.

Spring break for me starts on the 18th; I'll be flying home that night. Which is fabulous, because Stamps is playing in Los Angeles again on the 25th, and Sarah and I will be home for it. So we're going to go see Stamps. I'm still very disappointed over not being able to go to Chicago, especially because there are rumors of Empires playing in Chicago on the 24th, which would have been the day after I got to the city. So. I might have to punch a wall. But hopefully, they'll be able to make it out to LA again this summer (and SF for Olivia). Just not the first part of summer, that's all. I made my parents promise that I will have the rest of the summer to myself, so that's one sort of bonus.

I just really want to get these next couple of weeks over with, and fast.