Tuesday, January 04, 2011

don't let your cheeks hang low

I haven't had a Blogspot in possibly two years. Holy craaaaap. I deleted my old one because I really didn't care about blogging, but recently, Tumblr's been getting old (and no one likes reading actual blog posts on Tumblr, it seems) and no one seems to update on Livejournal anymore! And my Vox also got deleted. So Blogspot it is. Wordpress might be my next trial, if this fails on me too...

So. Yep. New blog, new year... definitely not a new me, hah. I'll probably be updating this about as frequently as I update Livejournal (once or twice a month...). But with more pictures! And real-life things! Not just fangirl flailings! It's a step somewhere...

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