Wednesday, January 12, 2011

oh, the things you do to me

I had possibly the greatest weekend ever. Ever. In the history of histories.

I'm a big fan of this band called Stamps. They're from Los Angeles, comprised of Bob Morris, Ian Crawford, Ren Patrick, and Adam James. They play fun 60's influenced rock/pop. They are also all budding comedians. It's great.

Anyway. I saw them once over Thanksgiving break and was immediately hooked. I am a huge fan of Bob's previous band The Hush Sound, as well as Ian's old band The Cab, so I was curious to see what Stamps would be like.

Little did I know, they would be better.

I saw them twice this weekend, once at Chain Reaction in Anaheim and once in LA at the Bootleg Theater. Great times, great music, great conversations. Apparently Bob's biggest ambition is to take Stamps on an awkward venues tour, in which Stamps will play in senior living centers and cruise ships. "Cabo, baby!"

Sunday was also Lauren's birthday, so we went to see Stamps at their show at the Bootleg, obviously. Sarah and I mentioned to Ren the night before that we'd be at the LA show and that it was our friend's birthday, and so she came over to give Lauren a birthday hug. Very cute. And we got there so early that Stamps was only soundchecking, so it was like we got two shows in a night!

We're going down to San Diego on Friday for one more show before I go back to school. You know. Just for the fun of it. I party harder at home than I do in college. The things I've done on this winter break include mildly illegal substances, midnight movies and Denny's trips, and lots of live music.

School. On the one hand... classes, dorm food, surviving on my own once again. On the other hand... fun, my excellent floormates, new people, new classes, classes that I really want to take... I don't know, man. I'm excited, but after a full month at home, it's going to be quite strange, transitioning back into the college mentality.

Also, I went to Vegas on Monday and came back on Tuesday. Simple, fast, four-hour drive. I'll have some photos up another night when I'm not suffering from this dratted cold that Sarah gave me. It was lots of fun! Kinda cold, but whatever. The Strip was as gorgeous as always.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know you, but holy god Stamps is awesome I agree. I found your blog looking for lyrics by them. ;P
